Donate if you can (time or $ either one works)

If you can volunteer in an organization you join or to a cause that means something to you. Time and monetary donations are both welcomed at this and any other time of year. We usually do donations to a food pantry or the US Mail donation drive for food every year. My goal is to donate 4 times a year but I usually forget so twice usually happens.

This year I donated to 2 schools on a great site:

I put in our current town and our previous town and I chose one project in each town and paid an amount I felt comfortable with. It helps to feel like you can help others. This year we are allowed to deduct $500 for homeschooling expenses- the case in Illinois but not the case where we used to live. So I opted to donate the same amount this year. I don’t know if we can do that much every year. But a few years back when my husband was sick we received over $500 is assistance. Gifts, food, gift certificates, help from others. I can never repay those people but I can pay it forward year after year and maybe in 10 years I’ll have paid it back in kind and in monetary means.

I hope you will do the same 🙂

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