Hackschooling: TedX talk by a 13 year old Logan LaPlante

This video was shared today by the Advocates for Home Education in Massachusetts (AHEM) on Facebook.  In the video, Logan LaPlant, a 4 year homeschooler talks about his approach to his education: Hackschooling: Self-directed, flexible, opportunistic learning.  Logan incorporates these simple practices for being happy and healthy according to Dr. Roger Walsh,  Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC):

  1. Exercise
  2. Diet & Nutrition
  3. Relationships
  4. Time in Nature
  5. Contribution & Service
  6. Recreation
  7. Relaxing & Stress Management
  8. Religious & Spiritual

His mom and dad were inspired Sir Ken Robinson’s Ted Talk, Schools Kill Creativity to rethink their kids’ education, and started homeschooling when Logan was 9.  He now participates in all kinds of hands-on and self-directed activities, like Young Chautauqua and the Squaw Valley Kid Institute, and has clearly blossomed.


I am inspired! Not that I thought we made the wrong choice in homeschooling, but something like this reinforces how amazing how homeschooling transforms lives, and gives me a vision for the future.

What are your thoughts?  Share in the comments below.


7 thoughts on “Hackschooling: TedX talk by a 13 year old Logan LaPlante

  1. this is an amazing video that exposes the imperfections of the school systems education and challenges us to see hack schooling as a better option for our children.

  2. I am so interested in this! I would like to know the steps taken by the parents. I am thinking of taking our six children back home and i would like to take this direction. I do have to still work, however I feel that independent learning is greatly incorperated. Amazing!

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